Les chiens ont-ils un nombril ?

Do dogs have a belly button?

Without a doubt, the answer is yes! If your dog has long hair, you may never have noticed, but all dogs do have a belly button.


What is it for and where is it?

Like you, a dog's belly button is the location of the umbilical cord that connects the fetus to its mother. The cord allows the fetus to receive the nutrients it needs to grow in the womb.

Each puppy has its own cord. At birth, the mother will break the umbilical cord with her teeth, leaving a small piece of the cord on the belly. This piece will finally fall off after a few days to leave a small scar, which can easily fade and become invisible.

It is therefore located on her belly, in the central part at the base of the rib cage, often between two nipples. However, it is more difficult to spot than a human's because it is often covered with hair. The size of the scar depends on the size of the dog, but is usually smaller than that of a human.

The scar will take on an elongated shape rather than the round shape we are familiar with.


Can the belly button cause health problems?

From birth, an infection of the navel can appear if the mother transmits bacteria to the puppy at the time of the section, or if it is broken too close to the body.

An umbilical hernia can then appear because of a bad healing of the navel after the birth. A hernia will cause a swelling under the skin that may cause the dog discomfort or pain when standing up.

Umbilical hernia is a relatively rare pathology (less than 1%), but certain factors can favour its appearance:

- Genetics, as it is a hereditary pathology. The dogs having suffered from umbilical hernias should not be reproductive.
- The breed, like the Shih Tzu, are more likely to develop umbilical hernias.
- Trauma at the time of cord cutting can increase the chances of developing a hernia.
In later life, if your dog's belly button sticks out, looks swollen or irritated, it may indicate a medical problem.


How is an umbilical hernia treated?

Newborns with umbilical hernias usually do not require treatment and resolve within the first six months of life.

However, large hernias may require surgery, which can be performed at the same time as sterilization. A hernia of this type that remains untreated can lead to more serious problems, such as blood flow problems.


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